LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — It's finger lickin' fake chicken.
Kentucky Fried Chicken plans to test plant-based chicken nuggets and boneless wings Tuesday at one of its restaurants in Atlanta. Depending on customer feedback, the chain could expand the test to other markets.
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KFC is partnering with Beyond Meat to develop the new product.
Beyond Meat also sells plant-based burgers and sausages at grocery stores and some fast food chains like Carl's Jr. and Del Taco. It sold frozen plant-based chicken strips until earlier this year, but pulled them off the market because it wanted to improve the recipe.
Restaurants are responding to a surge in consumer demand for plant-based meats. U.S. sales of meat substitutes are expected to jump 78% to $2.5 billion between 2018 and 2023, according to Euromonitor.