WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The number of people hospitalized in Florida with coronavirus has reached the lowest since data was first reported in July 2020.
In the state report Thursday, there are 1,799 listed as in the hospital, which is 33 less than the day before. On Tuesday, it was 1,880.
The high was 9,520 on July 21. The numbers had decreased but it reached 7,762 on Jan. 14.
In all, 95,607 have been hospitalized at one time in the state, an increase of 169 from the day before.
There are 101 hospitalized in Palm Beach County, 51 in St. Luce, 10 in Martin, 4 in Indian River. Elsewhere, it's a state-high 292 in Miami-Dade and 207 in Broward.
In other data Thursday, the state's deaths increased by 49 to 36,973 residents with 744 nonresidents for a total of 37,717, and cases by 1,878 to 2,329,867 including nonresidents. On Wednesday, infections rose by 1,234, the lowest since 738 Sept. 29.
The state's daily first-time positivity rate is 3.15 percent with the state target under 5. Palm Beach County is 2.28 percent, one day after 1.96, the lowest since 1.91 Oct. 11.