

How are new moms coping with the pandemic?

Women cope with no baby showers, solo doctor's appointments
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BOCA RATON, Fla. — It's been a hard year all around. But for new moms, experts say a little love and understanding can go a long way.

For Michelle Bussade, owner of a martial studio in Wellington, 2020 has not been easy as a small business owner.

"Our business closed, it's our only source of income, so we had no idea if we would make it through it," she said.

Nor it has been easy as a new mom.

"Definitely not how you planned to have your first child for sure. I had so many different visions when we first found out in January," added Bussade. "We are super excited, top of the world, and then not even a month later, we found out there is this virus."

Clinical Psychotherapist Jennifer Tomko said the isolation of some moms with babies born in 2020 feels real.

"Makes me sad when I think about what is being missed out on, but we have to do what we have to do, and I think it is all something we will have to adjust to. But I really want to make sure that people are reaching out for help if they are struggling with this process," said Tomko.

It was difficult for sure. No baby shower and solo doctor's appointments.

"Having to tell my parents they have to wear their mask to hold their grandchild is not something that is easy to do for sure but we have to do it," said Bussade. "There definitely are some emotions sometimes like we want to bring him places but we don't."

Tomko said think twice before offering up how you would do things during a pandemic with a baby.

"To those moms who are getting that kind of feedback, just trust your gut. You have to recognize you are going to do things the best you can and it might not be in compliance with what other people think and that's OK. You have to do what is right to you," said Tomko.

West Boca Medical Center OBGYN Dr. Alan Patterson reminds his patients to watch for signs after birth.

"Moms that don't care about themselves, aren’t that interested in their baby, not breastfeeding well and don't want to call lactation consultant," said Patterson. "In these times, where people are more isolated, some people will have more of an issue with that than possibly at other times."

He said focus on staying healthy and find creative ways to see family and friends.

"Do a video conference like we are doing right now. Eventually, they will be able to see the baby, but anybody that wants to be selfish just to see the baby, it is not worth it. They can see the baby eventually but it only takes one person to come in with COVID," he explained.

Having a baby this year was nothing short of downright scary and somewhat isolating. But experts say it can help to look at the positives, like all the time you have had at home to bond with your baby.

"Honestly, I am getting emotional, but I gave birth. The moment he came out I was like I heard him cry, held him in my arms. Everything I went through was worth it. I would say wait for it, everything else will not matter when it comes," Bussade added.