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Teen Trump supporter asked to take down 'Trump 2020' flag from truck while working in Boca Raton

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BOCA RATON, Fla. — A 17-year-old out on a pressure washing gig in Boca Raton said he was told to take down the 'Trump 2020' flag he has up on the back of his truck.

"I feel horrible because it’s invalidating my first amendment and I can’t support our president," Marco Goodman said. "I’m not harming anyone.”

Marco has been flying his 'Trump 2020 Keep America Great Again' flag on his truck since the summer, including driving with it into school daily at West Boca High School.

“I just want to support our president and I’m going to be voting soon so I’d like to share my opinion," he said.

While he may get comments on the flag, either positive or negative, Marco said he'd never really encountered any issues until Thursday when he was pressure washing for a contractor in the Steeplechase neighborhood inside The Polo Club in Boca Raton.

He got a call from his boss.

“He was like, 'A lot of people are complaining. Do you think maybe we could do something?'" Marco said. "Ind I said I can’t really take it down. I guess we’ll just see how it goes from there and then he’s like ok.'

Then, Marco says a woman drove up.

"'We’ve been getting a lot of complaints about your flag. We don’t show politics on either side, can you take it down?'" he said the woman told him. "I was like, oh I can’t take it down right now because I'm working.”

Eventually, Marco got another call from his boss recommending he move the truck to a nearby shopping center.

“He called me around 12:30 and said to bring my truck here because more people kept calling," he said.

So before going to work on Friday, Marco covered the flag up with a garbage bag.

He probably will do that again on Monday, but he wonders if he should really have to.

"Supporting our president is not ok?" he said.

The Polo Club said: "The Polo Club has no policies regulating what members or guests display on their vehicles. Any member who attempted to regulate a guest's vehicle was doing so on their own accord."

Lang Management, which oversees the Steeplechase community and is who Marco was working for, didn't respond to request for comment Friday afternoon.