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Tropical Storm Cindy to be first to make landfall in US this year

Posted at 2:24 PM, Jun 21, 2017
and last updated 2017-06-21 14:24:52-04

Tropical Storm Cindy is expected to make landfall along the Texas-Louisiana border early Thursday morning, less than 48 hours after forming.

The tropical storm is the third of the season and the first to make a U.S. landfall.

Cindy's biggest impact will be heavy rain all along the Gulf Coast from Texas to the Florida Panhandle.

Once the storm moves inland, the heavy rain and flooding will move into parts of Arkansas as well as the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys with many spots getting four to five inches of rain and some places upwards of ten inches of rain.




Tropical Storm Cindy is the first tropical storm to make landfall since Hurricane Matthew made landfall Oct. 8, 2016 in South Carolina.