LEWIS COUNTY, Wash.-- One Washington state waitress got the tip of a lifetime over the weekend.
Michelle Bozemen got a $3,000 tip on a $44 bill at the Rib Eye restaurant in Lewis County Sunday night.
On the back of the tab, the big tipper wrote an explanation saying: "Thanks for smiling...you work hard and the country is in a bad place."
"I was shocked, and I looked at it and I thought, 'No, that can't be right.' And then I showed my manager, then we flipped it over and read the note and went, 'Oh,' " Bozeman said.
Bozemen's smile seemed to be just what the customer needed; he told her to enjoy the money and requested she do something good for someone else.
Bozemen has been a waitress for more than 20 years to support her three children as a single mother, and her regulars say no one is more deserving.
"I just really want to thank them and say what a wonderful thing that was for them to do for a stranger," Bozeman said.
She shared some of the tip with co-workers and plans on doing work around the house and spoiling her seven grandchildren.
But Bozemen's using the rest of the tip to pay for a trip to Ireland she's always dreamed about. "I'll have a beer, I'll have a Guinness for them. (laughing)"