

Presentación bilingüe con un doctor sobre la variante Omicron

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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The afternoon of the Wednesday , WPTV organized one session of questions and answers about the variant Omicron with the Dr. Luis Peña - Hernandez , one pulmonologist of Wellington. The session was carried to out by the networks social of the season and the way bilingual .pulmonologist of Wellington. The session was carried to out by the networks social of the season and the way bilingual .

Was made one variety of questions : the people should take the test if they have traveled internationally or domestically , or the type of blood plays one role in Covid 19?

" That is one very good question . At the beginning of the pandemic , there was some data that suggest that the patients with different types of blood would have one infection of covid of different severity . However, that I know , there is more evidence solid ," said Dr. Peña -Hernández.

A concern that continued to emerge is that the people vaccinated and yet so contracted covid .

"If he recovered with success and this condition is not he did require oxygen regularly . Otherwise you develop fibrosis of your lungs or even more for you not end up in the unit of care intensive in the ICU , with one fan fighting for your life . This in itself same It makes that the vaccine works . "

Another question interesting that made the spectators was : the kits to test home have the same quality you would find in the office of one doctor or one hospital? According to the Dr. Peña - Hernandez , are useful when it is positive , but if you show one result negative , that does not automatically mean that you do not have covid .

"If you give negative at home and still have symptoms . Still it must be isolated for five days and try that your provider of care medical you do one test of PCR . Because it could be one false negative , " said the Dr. Peña - Hernandez .