

Stuart Fire Rescue practices "bail out" techniques

Posted at 8:04 PM, Mar 10, 2017
and last updated 2017-03-10 20:04:30-05

Firefighters train constantly to save lives, and not just the lives of others but their own.
Friday, Stuart’s finest focused on their own survival, specifically, how to get out of a house when fire has blocked off their exit.

It can be a life or death scenario: a firefighter trapped in a burning building filled with smoke.
Their only way out may be through a window on an upper floor.
However, jumping could be just as dangerous, so these firefighters need another way down.

“It’s a last stitch effort,” explained Eric Price. The Indian River State College Fire Academy instructor came to help with the training. "Conditions got so bad your primary and secondary means of egress have been cut off.”
Stuart Fire Rescue was training on “bail out” techniques. Some of those techniques include sliding down the hose or using the ladder.
Firefighters can use these options if they come face to face with this scenario during a real life call.

“Going through it, it’s tough,” said fire-medic Steven Coluccio. “There’s a lot of obstacles that we have to overcome”

“If they don’t refresh on their training and constantly reinforce that training, if you don’t use it you lose it,” said Price.
Stuart Fire Rescue was able to utilize a vacant law building in Downtown Stuart for the three day training course.